Short Term. Mid Term. 

Any Term.

Our Furnished Residences Are 
The Perfect Solution

Whether you are looking for a remote work space, are in the middle of a move, relocating to DTLA, or simply rethinking your living situation, we’ve got you covered. Our furnished residences are a seamless solution that offer a high-end living experience with designer furniture and access to an incredible amenity collection. This flexible solution features spacious floor plans that are completely dialed with a custom furniture package, fully accessorized kitchens, bed and bath linens, a washer and dryer, and all utilities included. They are available for stays of 30 days or longer, with a term that’s tailored to your specific needs.

View rates, check availability, or book your stay!


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be one of the first

Figueroa Eight is now leasing and we invite you to schedule a personal tour to see it for yourself. Just leave your details below or call our leasing team today.

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